1989 Flagpole Raising
Crew for the September 1989 flagpole project (in no particular order): Jack Pattison, Al Sweet, George Getty, "Dan" Danilov, Jack Donnelly, Floyd Rice, Leona Kelso, Lyle Koenig, Dave McNicholas, Ernie Gray, Bob Henderson, Bill Henderson, Ted Montgomery, John Montgomery, Bill Tebay, Tom Elliott.
- 01staff_meeting
Staff meeting - Let the job begin.
- 02lining_up_studs
Lining up the base with the studs.
- 03lining_up_studs
- 04indicator
Setting the directional indicator -it was close anyway!
- 05indicator
- 06more_staff_meeting
- 07no_problem
- 08ready_to_hoist
"Dan" Danilov and John Montgomery ready to hoist.
- 09winch_to_rock
Attaching the winch to the rock - George Getty, Bill Henderson, Tom Elliott.
- 10lift_begins
The lift begins.
- 11more_lifting
- 12ground_help
Help from the ground....
- 13ground_help
- 14help_from_roof
....and help from the roof.
- 15lots_of_help
- 16flagpole_up
- 17flagpole_up
- 18raising_crew
The crew of the day.
- 19first_hoist
- 20oh_canada
Oh Canada!